Judy Lovens CCHt, CTHt
Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
My Approach **
Hypnotherapists and their clients are finding sessions via Zoom are extremely effective, easy to access and wonderfully connected for clients and practitioners alike!
Just as each individual is unique, so is each and every session. During your session I listen to what you're saying and experiencing emotionally and I also tune in intuitively. Using hypnosis, guided meditation, Breathwork, Eye Movement Therapy, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, and many other modalities, each session is customized and unfolds to meet you where you are at the time. It is the deep inner knowing of your being that leads us where we need to go.
We typically start our work together with the issues that are most pressing in your life. The ones that brought you to this website. While eliminating suffering is an essential place to start, it’s only the beginning. Once we’ve made progress with this and you’re experiencing peace, we can transition to discovering JOY and dreaming about what it is you want to create in your life. I believe it is our birthright to live a life of peace, joy, purpose and meaning!!
This is truly Alchemy in Action…
The lead within your subconscious mind is alchemized into the gold of your highest potential. This is hypnotherapy at its highest and best!